
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Working on my lines this week for Clear and Sunny Skies, which starts filming the middle of next month. I must say the Guskin book has really helped me discover my character for this film. Ms. Porter is a fiftyish, newly retired corporate executive trying to figure out what to do next with a life that never had room for husband and children. Lots of inner turmoil. We’re shooting exterior scenes at Herrington Harbor on the Chesapeake Bay, which is a lovely resort area (Photo above left. I’m sure my yacht is in there somewhere!) Hoping for a “clear and sunny” day. Also shooting some interior scenes in a restaurant where I’m called upon to drink copious amounts of scotch whiskey, but not appear drunk. I volunteered to bring the Glenlivet – or rather the Glenlivet bottle filled with exactly the right shade of tea.

Contacted by a casting agency yesterday about a role in a film shooting in Baltimore next week. They must have had an actress bail on them at the last minute. I’m certainly looking for more film roles, but had to pass on this one since I’m gearing up for CASS and didn’t think I could learn the lines in time to do justice to the part. It would have had me shooting major roles in three short films within a two-week period. September 4th I’m in Philadelphia to record “The Voice” for Anthony Fletcher’s film Deadline (which is already up at IMDb, by the way.)

I need to line up film roles for October on. Toying with doing a play, or a public reading of a play, but really prefer to work on camera. I was reading film production news this morning and all the big productions lately are going to Louisiana! Phooey! The state must be cutting film companies an incredible tax break.

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