
Friday, August 20, 2010

Very funny article in this morning's Wall Street Journal-Personal Section titled "Revenge of the TV Writers." According to author Amy Chosick, unlike screenwriters on feature films whose clout is practically non-existent, writers on television series reign supreme and mete out horrible on-screen deaths to actors who make themselves more trouble than they're worth. (Michael Moriarty?! No, I can't believe that.) Television writers have also been known to pattern despicable characters after film critics, former employers and that girl in high school who wouldn't give them a tumble. (Note to self: Never ever get on the wrong side of a television screen writer!) Anyway, I had a good laugh.


  1. That gives me an idea. There were some really mean cheerleaders when I was In high school. I see a story plot unfolding in my head. :)

  2. If it's a screenplay, is there a part in it for me? ;)


I will get back to you shortly!