
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Robins have arrived.

There is nothing like a taste of warmer weather to get a person moving. Here in the East the winter cold and snow have been brutal, and I’m one of those people who - if I can’t get out - pace like a caged tiger.  No point in trying to get any work done.  As soon as the snow goes away and I can get out, I sit down at the keyboard.

“Options,” as hockey coach Herb Brooks used to say. It’s important to have options.

The warmer weather was heralded by robins and the appearance of my little scene in Season 3 of the Netflix hit series House of Cards, playing North Dakota Senator Ann Wallace opposite another robin, series star Robin Wright. It’s television at its best and I was more than happy to have a small (very small) role and to see my name in the credits. 

It’s the opening shot of Episode 2. Long-time New York actor David Little is to my left. 

Now on to my continuing class with Helen Hayes Award-winning director Serge Seiden at The Studio Theatre, which is turning out to be terrific, a midsummer play in the role of a daffy old witch (What fun!), and a wealth of possibilities, including a call-back on a feature shooting in New York, and in talks for a big-budget feature shooting later this year on the West Coast. Welcome Spring.

As Senator Ann Wallace (center) in Season 3, Ep. 2
Robin Wright

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