
Friday, September 5, 2014

Advice from Julie Newmar

Photo by Firooz Zahedi
Icon Actress/Dancer Julie Newmar turned 81 on August 16th, a fact I'm sure she doesn't mind revealing as she still looks absolutely fabulous. She often gives public lectures on "How to Be a Great Beauty...Even When You're Not." Here is a sample. You'll find more on her Facebook Page. (And yes, I'm getting a 3-way mirror!)

IMAGE: By seeing the inherent beauty, intelligence, mastery in others they will see it in you. This is the MIRROR you want.

VOICE: Where does your sound come from? You can't be beautiful, if you don't sound beautiful.

BODY: Tall or short, there is one element that defines the spirit that becomes your body and that is your spine. Lift it, give your head something to balance on, then breathe and smile.

LIGHT: All the great stars know where their light is coming from, no matter where they are. We call it the key light.

MAKE-UP TRICKS: One trick is - unless your eyes are the size of saucers, never, never put eyeliner inside your lash line.

HAIR: I don't care what color it is, I'm not too fond of streaking. It sort of screams "I'm artificial."

DRESS: Most people offend the eye. Logos on T-shirts look like you are on minimum wage, wearing a sandwich board. What were they thinking? They weren't!

GO CLASSIC: Ralph Lauren made a billion dollars with his RL classic look. For a few dollars more, go simple. The clothes don't enter the room, you do. Walk with dignity. "Everything is working out for me". Think this way.

WHO IS GORGEOUS? Who are your dress idols? Olivia de Havilland at 96 looks absolutely stunning. Brooke Astor at her 100th birthday party in blue, looking absolutely gorgeous.

RANDOM ADVICE: If you don't have a 3-way mirror, you shouldn't go out in public, under any circumstances.

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