
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Actor networking underscored

Aha! I no sooner post on networking than theatrical producer John Essay publishes a column in Backstage that underscores what I said. Here's the money quote:

"You need to be available for discovery. A buried treasure is hard to discover unless you know to look in the general vicinity it is located. Make yourself available. Go to plays, movies, and industry parties. Taking classes will allow you to be seen by others who may be helpful to you on your way to success."

Mr. Essay doesn't give it all away (be wants to guide people to his website after all). You'll find more detail in my post below.  Still, it's nice to see someone make the same point.

Stand out in the crowd
By the way, I went to a workshop last night presented by a famous acting coach. Of the 60 or so actors in the audience, only three were wearing what I would call a signature look. Everyone else was dressed in dark colors and jeans, and half of them (men and women) were wearing similar dark-framed glasses. It could have been any crowd at a hockey game.

Every actor should package themselves in a way that sets them apart. It won't get you that role in the TV show or stage production, but it may get you noticed in the crowd and that's a step in the right direction.

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