
Sunday, October 7, 2012

I'm in two entries in the New York Television Festival!

The play just wrapped and I'm back to my first love, film.   I just found out that I'm in two entries in the New York Television Festival, October 22-27.  One is The Louder the Better, written and directed by Michael Toscano, about a radio talk show host succumbing to the greed and immorality of a national network (I play the network executive, natch.) TLTB took Faculty Honors at the Columbia University Film Festival back in May and has been accepted in the Independent Pilot Competition at NYTVF. The other entry is Capitol South, written and directed by my friend Rob Raffety, which is a comedy about the underpaid twenty-somethings who work in congressional offices and political action committees and do much of the work in Washington. Capitol South is in the Samsung "Second Screen Storytellers" Contest at NYTVF and in it I play a foul-mouthed and frequently tipsy Southern Belle who's president of a conservative PAC called "Americans for America."  It's very funny.  In fact, all of Rob's videos are very funny.

As Delilah Jones in Capitol South
The Independent Pilot Competition has yielded a good number of successes apparently, both in shows being sold to networks and studios for further development as well as individual talent deals for artists to develop future projects at the network, production company and studio levels.  (It's certainly a good sign when it gets on the radar among those at Columbia University.)

The winner of Second Screen Storytellers gets a guaranteed production budget of $300,000 to create an original short series with accompanying second screen material. The winning selection and subsequent series will debut at the Consumer Electronics Show in 2013 and will then be exclusively distributed via Samsung Smart TVs and Galaxy devices.

Michael and Rob are great guys and I have my fingers crossed for them both. We'll know the outcome in a few weeks.  In the meantime, a few shots from the two productions.
With Charles Blatz in Capitol South
With Elliott Kashner and James Brady in The Louder the Better

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