
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The play is up and running: Cause Célèbre

Kathryn Browning (L) as Stella and Roberta Chaves as Edith in Cause Célèbre
Well, it's a wild ride, I must say.  Remember the comedy "Noises Off?"  I can now relate totally!  Technical glitches the first three performances, especially opening night when the lights were cut in the middle of two scenes. Saturday night I blanked on a line (arrggghhh!!!) and made a rather awkward recovery.  At the Sunday matinee a doorbell announcing my entrance failed to ring, leaving actress Roberta Chaves ad-libbing lines like, "Hmm, I wonder where Stella could be?" until the technician discovered the problem just as we were about to make a loud door-knocking noise (the bell was unplugged.)

But after three performances I think it's beginning to settle down.  The blocking is now set and the stage manager has things under control.  Members of the cast - all highly experienced in theatre - have been wonderful.  Just delightful people.  So supportive of each other.  And the reviews coming in are encouraging.

I think this play was exactly right for me. I have a decent-sized role (six costume changes!), but the venue is not so huge as to leave me feeling unbearably anxious. I've learned to trust my improvisation instincts and found that I can get laughs. (I've never thought of myself as someone cut out for comedy, so will now have to amend that.) I've learned the joy of telling a story straight through, start to finish, to create in my mind a four-walled room on stage that I can comfortably move about in, and to boom it out and cheat to the boundary mics in a theatre space with acoustics that are less than ideal.

And I look fabulous in hats!
The cast takes a bow.

Winston Churchill said that success isn't final and failure isn't fatal.  That's as good a motto as any for an actor, and something to remember when the doorbell fails to ring. (Hah!) I'm looking forward to taking on another play later in the year in a bigger theatre.  But for now I have eight more performances of Cause Célèbre  and I'm having a grand time!

1 comment:

  1. Your enthusiasm really fills through! Congratulations!
    And don't worry about technical glitches; they'll always be there, lurking.
    Know what? I came to a point in my stage acting career where I actually hope there's going to be a minor technical glitch, so I'm free to improvise something, ad-lib, and give vent to my creativity, never losing focus on my character. But don't tell around; directors might think I'm a jinx ;)
    Have a great weekend!


I will get back to you shortly!