
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This is Turning into a Bad Week

Rats! Left the day job late when I should have left early.  Snowstorm moving through and the roads were already horrible.  15 miles between me and my own sheets.  After covering all of three miles in two hours, with cars sliding all over the road and a steep hill ahead, I decided to bail and pull into a Holiday Inn Express.  There's no restaurant.  Instead I was told there's a Five Guys a block away if I want to slog through this blizzard to get there.  It's dark and I've had enough snow.  Waiting for the room to warm up (after an hour it's up to 68 degrees), watching television, and dining on a box of cookies and a diet Pepsi out of the machine down the hall.  Brrrr.  Is it my imagination or is Sex and the City about as exciting as a trip to the gynecologist?

This is turning into a bad week.

p.s. And the TV just died.

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