
Saturday, August 7, 2010

I've added production stills from The Shadows of Strangers to my August 2 post. The picture at left is NOT one of them.

The Shadows of Strangers is the feature-length film being shot by Rick and Jonathan Robinson out of Baltimore. It's an anthology of six interconnected stories. Mine was "The Story of Bella" about an Italian widow who has a late-night encounter with someone from her past. I liked the role. It's dark and a little weird.

I asked my husband what he thought of the photos. He gave me a long look, wrinkled his nose and shook his head. I reminded him that Ellen Burstyn got a raft of awards and award nominations, including an Academy Award nomination, for Requiem for a Dream, a film where she's made up to look like she put her finger in a light socket! (THAT is the photo at left!) We had a good laugh over it.

I promised myself I'd get organized today. I signed up for Performer Track to keep track of my contacts, bookings, and costs. Lots to key in before it starts getting "easy" as promised. Also need to find the $78 error in my checkbook. I'm off.

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