
Monday, August 2, 2010

Being a Good Sport

Filmed over the weekend in Baltimore. Interiors for the most part, so they had to light it and shut off the AC to kill the sound. It’s now August. That meant two long days of filming in what felt like 90-degree heat and 90 percent humidity. Even my scalp was perspiring. As each day wore on my clothes stuck to my skin, my hair went limp and damp. I kept patting my face with tissue trying not to smear my makeup or get the powder wet when I reapplied it.
Too tired to drive home and spend the night in my own bed, so I opted for a somewhat seedy hotel next to the Baltimore bus station – chipped furniture and a bluesy saxophone recording playing in the lobby. Dinner at McDonald’s. I was missing my husband and bone tired and sympathizing with Private Benjamin (“No, there must be some mistake! I signed on for the picture with the catered gourmet meals and air-conditioned private dressing room trailers!”)
Being an actor is not for the squeamish and often means being a good sport about working conditions. It was an interesting script, the directors were good to work with, and the film has a gritty feel.
What have I learned? To trust my choices. That’s it’s easy to cry on cue when the words move you.
Meeting tonight with Andrea Ellis, who's directing a film I’m doing in September. This one is to be shot largely outdoors on a bench at a boat pier – I am so relieved!

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