
Saturday, July 17, 2010

I continue to get work and have two more film roles lined up. Starting immediately I play Bella in "The Story of Bella" segment of the Robinson Brothers film The Shadows of Strangers, opposite Stephen Rutledge and Nora Achrati. There are six short stories planned for this film, which means the finished product will be feature length. The script is terrific - really excited about it. In September I play Ms. Porter in Anthony Greene's film Clear and Sunny Skies. Part of it is to be shot over at the shore, which means delaying until the summer vacationers to go home. Still waiting for a date to record the kidnapper's voice for Deadline, which is shooting now in Philadelphia. Plus I'm shooting a corporate video this week, playing a weathercaster. Working all of this around my day job. It's going to be a busy, busy next few months, but I'm staying on track for having 12 significant roles for a new demo reel by the end of the year. Also, it's likely that a couple of these films will be posted to IMDB.

More news: my Stonehenge Audition from last month is now posted to You Tube (screen shot above and video linked at right). I thought I looked good and sounded good. Pacing and delivery need work. A bit worried about a talented friend who was dissatisfied with his audition and ask that it be taken down. I think he has a wonderfully unique look and on-screen personality. I hope he's not being too hard on himself. My drama instructor, actor Michael Gabel, also has a new Stonehenge Audition and it's terrific. He showed us how it's done.

Out tomorrow to look for costume options. My house is a mess. Bah.

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