
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tough week. Horrible cold made worse by the sloppy weather and the ongoing remodeling in my office. We're trying to keep up with clients amid absolute chaos. Printers disconnected. Construction debris piled up everywhere. People shifting around trying to stay out of the way of the workmen who today were painting the walls federal institutional yellow. (My, my, what was management thinking.)

But on the plus side we've started shooting the short film I'm appearing in, though it took a half box of cough drops to get me through my scenes on Sunday. This is going to be a real learning experience, as I suspect all film projects are in one way or another. The first thing I'm learning with this one is stamina. Sunday started at 5 a.m. and didn't end until 11 p.m. that night when I pulled in the driveway bone tired and with my cold taking a turn towards plague. This weekend I'm going to try and cat nap while they're changing scenes and relighting. (Where's my trailer?!)

I start my "Creating a Film Role" class on Monday with Michael Gabel and Todd Shoemaker - very excited about that one - and then I audition Tuesday night for another short film that gets underway in late March. Not forgetting the Stonehenge Auditions, but I still have to pull an audition spot out of the hat.

And tonight it's supposed to snow. Again.

I finished the book on Irving Thalberg and have been mulling over thoughts on the issue of personal branding. But that's for next time. For now I'm going to go lie down and read and think positive thoughts about how I'm not going to sneeze, wheeze, cough, snarkle and drip. I hate being sick.

1 comment:

  1. I hate being sick too! this last week the stomach flu was running rampant in my house. It bounced to four different children before finally leaving. I was popping vitamins and drinking orange juice in an effort to keep the nasty bug away.


I will get back to you shortly!